Physical Education Program
The school has a full-time physical education teacher. Classes attend lessons once a week. The winter program covers manipulative and game skills and athletics while first and fourth terms are devoted to swimming in the school pool, which is heated.
Inter-House Competition
Upon enrolment, all children are allocated to house teams. All children from one family will be allocated to the same house. There are four houses:
Cunningham - Blue
Essex Evans - Gold
McDonald - Green
Leslie - Red
Inter-House Athletics Carnivals
The school has two athletics carnivals. The junior school participate in a junior school sports day, while the middle and upper school participates in a two day inter-house athletics carnival. The school also holds an inter-house swimming carnival in term one. Cross Country is held late term one or early term two.
Inter-School Competition
Students in years five and six are given the opportunity to participate in the Toowoomba School Sport (12 years and under) inter-school competition. A variety of sports are offered in both the winter and summer competitions.
Term 1: Girls' Cricket
Girls' Touch Football
Boys' AFL
Boys' Softball
Tennis - Traditional
Tennis - Hot Shots
Term 3: Hockey - Boys and Girls
Football (Soccer) - Boys and Girls
Rugby League
Netball - Girls
Term 4: Girls' AFL
Girls' Softball
Boys' Touch Football
Boys' Cricket
Volleyball - Mixed
Toowoomba East is part of the Toowoomba Range Zone for representative sport. Our students must first trial at the Toowoomba Range level before participating in Darling Downs Regional trials.

Cross Country