Prep is the first year of school and provides the foundation for your child's education. From 2017, it is compulsory for Queensland children to undertake Prep prior to Year 1. Prep is a full-time program held in primary schools. Children attend Monday to Friday, from 8:50am to 3:00pm. Children must be 5 by 30 June in the year they enrol.
Toowoomba East State School enrolment is both capped and zoned.
Please contact the school office on (07) 4637 5222 for further information or email
Transitioning to Prep
It is now easier for our new families to share your
child’s Kindergarten transition statement with the school.
The statements are a great way for our Prep
teachers to get to know the children in their class before the first day, so
they can prepare to welcome them and plan for their ongoing learning and
transition statement is a snapshot of each child’s strengths, interests and
learning through kindy and is developed toward the end of the kindy year.
Families will receive their child’s transition
statement with the transition statement parent/carer consent form. By signing the
form parents and carers can now give their consent for transition statements to
be forwarded to a child’s new school and outside school hours care service
directly from kindergartens.
We will be in touch with local services to ensure
our email address is known to the kindergarten teachers to receive the
transition statements.
this video for more information about Kindy Transition Statements.
What does prep look like?